Finding Love Story

How did Love come to me?

Eight years ago I was at my wits end about finding a partner. I had put myself “out there” a lot and wasn’t meeting anyone compatible. Perhaps something in ME was preventing me from finding a partner.

With the help of the PSYCH-K® process I came to understand that subconsciously I had a belief of unworthiness and/or not deserving things I wanted. I gained a level of inner peace and self-love far deeper than I could imagine. After several PSYCH-K® sessions something shifted within me that allowed my love to show up.

After many years of being a single widow from a troubled marriage, I met a new friend and a relationship bloomed. This loving relationship feels wonderful and continues to nurture us. We have the kind of partnership that I had imagined. God knows I tried hard (probably too hard) to find the right person, both on-line and off-line. Something had definitely shifted IN me. 

To get specific, there were subconscious beliefs and energy barriers that were holding me back from being available to LOVE and BE LOVED: 

  • Belief that all the good men were already taken. 

  • Old habit of putting out vibes like a stop sign! Don’t bother me! 

  • Belief that I was not worthy or didn’t deserve to be in a loving relationship. 

  • Unresolved guilt and sorrow from the past

For example, PSYCH-K® gave me the opportunity to set things right with my deceased husband. I was able to say to him and hear from him what I needed in order to be released from guilt and sorrow that hadn’t resolved in the all the years since he passed. Releasing subconscious beliefs, resolving past hurts and resetting my energy of attraction allowed me to BE attracting love. I am now happier than I have been in my whole life. 

Get Ready for Love

I took my experience and my client’s experiences to create a 6-step program I call “Get Ready for Love”. The details are on the home page of this site. There are so many women looking for a love, a partner. I don’t want others to have to suffer, wait years like me, or worse yet, face the last stages of life without the partner they want. I am passionate about others finding their love relationship. One of my clients, Susan, a divorcee for over 5 years, had not even dated yet. After her first session with me, she met a great guy the following day and then started dating him.

No one can promise a certain outcome with a PSYCH-K® session or sessions. I have seen marvelous results such as clients releasing phobias: fear of heights, flying, or open spaces. Some have had their reactions to foods and certain environments disappear. There are more subtle changes that occur like increased freedom around choices and habits. I have also experienced greater self-confidence, awareness and a decrease in repetitive thoughts in myself and my clients.

I have invested my time and energy to complete all the training programs and facilitated hundreds of hours of sessions to help others achieve their desires. PSYCH-K® is like a painting or a poem, it is a gift that keeps giving.

May you find hope for yourself in my story. Connect with me today so you can start attracting your ideal partner.

In Peace, Andrea