Still Angry or Hurt


Have you ever been on a first date where the person across the table is going on and on about what was wrong with their 20-year marriage or their lousy ex-spouse? UGH.. What could be more unappealing. 

Anger is just another emotion, right? When it affects your ability to be available for love, it isn’t so fun. The same goes for resentment, fear, sadness…

Problem is: 

Even if you don’t talk openly about your strong feelings, others will feel your pain. Strong emotions … ones that you are either bottling up or spewing out… anger, fear, suffering have a way of showing up in your energy. Yes, you have to resolve it. Even if you have no way to communication with your past partner, or they are dead; you can become complete about the past if you are given an approach that works. This approach works.

What does it mean to be COMPLETE?

You discover for yourself what that means for you. I guide as you lead the process of discovery. I have heard clients say later that they can barely even remember what it was that was making them so unhappy. You can shift your reality and expectation about the future.