Fear of Rejection


Past experiences of feeling rejected are especially demoralizing when it comes to being ready for love.

Are there conversations in your head about past loves, family members or friends who abandoned you, didn’t meet your needs or let you down? While you can’t change the past, you can change how those experiences affect your beliefs. Subconsciously you may have developed a belief about your worthiness or about whether others deserve your trust. Let’s get your subconscious on board with life-affirming beliefs about your worth and value.

These experiences may be recent or from long ago. We have tools to help you find greater peace and confidence independent of the past. The thing is to train our subconscious to expect the best.

If you are expecting rejection, it is hard to let someone get close. There is some risk of heart ache when letting someone into your life. You decide. Is it worth the risk?

High School

My story about dating through high school was that I wasn’t “desirable”. I kissed many boys, but none of them stuck around. In later years I realized it was I who was not interested in the boys, rather than the other way around. It was me who was unconsciously doing the rejecting.

Why couldn’t I connect?

Pre-High School: There was an incident when I was 11 years old. I felt terribly embarrassed because I found out from another friend that the boy who I thought was my boyfriend, actually was NOT. I wasn’t going to let that happen again. It was that feeling of embarrassment that I could not live with (accept). I never wanted to feel embarrassed like that again. It felt horrible. I made sure never to let that happen again. If I didn’t get close to anyone, I would never get embarrassed again.

Decades later, I did a PSYCH-K® session around this experience and it shifted my relationship to fearing rejection and also the fear of embarrassment itself.