A great percentage (95%) of our daily decisions come straight from our subconscious.


What is PSYCH-K®?

It is a process developed by Rob Williams to reprogram subconscious patterns that drive so many of our thoughts and actions. He began teaching the process in the late 1990’s. These teachings were assembled and passed along by teachers trained by Rob and approved by the PSYCH-K® Centre International organization. People like myself, who have been trained in this process, are called PSYCH-K® facilitators.

A great percentage (perhaps 95%) of our life is being controlled by our subconscious.

The PSYCH-K® process allows you to transformation subconscious beliefs and programming that no longer serve you. PSYCH-K® allows you to quickly and painlessly change subconscious beliefs that are limiting the full expression of your potential in life, as a spiritual being having a human experience. This includes your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Our spiritual issues present in time-bound, material-bound, relationship-bound ways. That is why we perceive our problems in relation to time, touch, money, people? When we set the beliefs that are life affirming into our subconscious, our energy is freed up to go in the direction of the higher purpose that is already within us.

The sessions are done either in person or in a video setting. I currently do all sessions on a video platform. All Facilitators have been trained by PSYCH-K® Centre International instructor(s). We call our clients partners because we are partnering with you in the process, using the PSYCH-K® process under your direction. The power to change is within you, not what I am doing or not doing. The PSYCH-K® interactive process is more in charge than our thinking selves. In addition, after taking the PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop, you can use this method as a self-care tool.

Since 1988 over 100,000 Facilitators have completed the PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop.

It is way to tap into your subconscious; plant and grow beliefs on the subconscious level. As a result, I believe you receive a greater degree of help from your conscious self as you carry on in life. My experience of the Psych-K® sessions as a facilitator and as a partner, is that we allow ourselves to fall into more wholeness. Wholeness between the conscious self and the other two guys, super- and sub- conscious.

You make thousands of decisions every day. I remember when my first son was born. I was amazed at how much I didn’t know about taking care of him. How many decisions I had to make about something totally new. In the newness, I was so AWARE of the high volume of decisions. In our typical days, we are not so aware of the volume of decisions because they are automatic. With taking care of my baby, patterns developed, signs and reactions to signs, questions and answers, trial and error until gradually I had a rhythm (unconscious thoughts guiding my moves).

The intention of PSYCH-K® is freedom. You may create a higher level of freedom when you shed new light on deep-seated beliefs or interpretations of the past.

Books and videos about PSYCH-K® include:

Rob Williams’s book: The Missing Piece (Peace) in Your Life, videos by the geneticist and PSYCH-K® enthusiast Bruce Lipton and Bruce Lipton’s book: The Biology of Belief

Videos about PSYCH-K®


Do I have to believe it works for it to work?

You do not consciously have to believe in this method to get benefits. There are no hurdles to jump or blockages to overcome to find a benefit from the PSYCH-K® process. If you are on a journey and you want to attain a higher level of peace within yourself, PSYCH-K® meets you where you are at. You couldn’t be anywhere else. LOL. You do participate in the process.

Is this Psychology?

The part of our name, “Psych” is not meant as an abbreviation of the word for “Psychology”. Psych is meant to abbreviate of the word “Psyche” meaning the human soul, mind or spirit. In Greek mythology Psyche is the goddess of the soul. PSYCH-K® is popularly characterized as a spiritual process with psychological and physical benefits. As for the “K” in our name, it says that the process is Key to sustainable success.

Will PSYCH-K® help me to:

… Recover from trauma?

… Stop negative self-talk? 

… Change habits I do not like? 

… Lose weight?

PSYCH-K® is a proven and safe way to change subconscious beliefs that perpetuate old habits of thinking and behaving that you would like to change. PSYCH-K® belief change processes are easy to learn and use. They enable you to communicate with your subconscious mind so you can change beliefs that are limiting your self-esteem, relationships, job performance, even your physical health…and much more! 

What are your credentials?

While I graduated with college degrees in engineering and liberal arts subjects, the credentials that are pertinent to my work as a PSYCH-K® facilitator are the training seminars completed with PSYCH-K® certified instructors and the experience of caring for people while in private practice for optimal health. I spent fifteen years practicing massage therapy, Jin Shin Jyutsu and Homeopathy. The certificates earned for my practice were from the Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy, Northern Lights School (bodywork) and Jin Shin Jyustsu Institute. Over the years I have had the opportunity to connect with people while they are in the process of self-discovery. On a personal level, I have experiences in parenting, work variety, loss, physical fitness training, athletics, dance, spiritual awakening and just being willing to stimulate my own journey of growth with self-love, grit and determination.

What will you do in a PSYCH-K® session?

You say what is NOT working currently in your life and what would be better. We create beliefs together that support your desired direction. A facilitator guides you in processes which set these beliefs in your subconscious. In addition, we help you uncover blockages that keep you from realizing your potential. The processes help you to make peace with perceptions, experiences and relationships. The processes are called balances. There are balances designed for specific areas of concern. Every balance is a self-lead journey with the assistance PSYCH-K® facilitator and the PSYCH-K® process.