Fear of Repeating the Past

We see things through a lens …

The lens is made up of beliefs about the way “LIFE IS” and “LIFE ISN’T”. 

We continue to gather evidence to support these beliefs. We aren’t aware of the current experiences we are creating or avoiding in order to support these beliefs (rooted in the subconscious).

You may not fear the past as much as you EXPECT the past. 

Fear that the PAST will show up again:

  • I will be rejected

  • I am not enough (pretty, thin, smart - enough)

  • I will be taken advantage of

  • I pick the wrong kind of men

  • My situation is not enough (prestige, money, free - enough)

  • If my past is any indication…

  • I am too something (too - fat, poor, lazy, ungrateful, old, out of shape)

  • I have been alone too long

  • I am too set in my ways

  • Infinite forms of negative self-talk

Could your negative self-talk or the little whispers of the subconscious be feeding you a line of negativity that doesn’t allow you to move forward or see what is right in front of you?

Love yourself

No one is perfect and the ability to love yourself is the best place to start getting ready for your mate to show up.

What can we do about the past showing up again? We work together to get complete about it. The effect that traumas, disappointments and negative stories have in the subconscious can be integrated in a different way. Rather than talking or philosophizing about it, the method we use lets your innate ability to be more self-loving come forward. You become more whole and complete regarding the past.

If you know your true self, you naturally love yourself.