Too Busy

Busy as a Bee?

What is this condition of busy ‘ness? What’s driving you?

People often come to me saying that they are so busy that they don’t see how to make room for a partner, even though they desire one.

Here are three aspects I guide people through regarding busy ‘ness and time:

  1. Looking honestly at the reality of how you are spending your time.

  2. Investigate your beliefs about time.

  3. Explore what you love and hate about being busy, what needs you are meeting or avoiding in your busy ‘ness.

Getting Real

I get it…. sometimes … kids still in high school, working full time, taking care of elderly parents, running a business, working a job…. any combination of those can fill up your calendar fast. In some cases, maybe it is time to WAIT. 

If you decide it is time to GO… not WAIT… to find a partner, then go get the support you need and GO. Not to be busy, but rather, to be intentional.

Beliefs about time

Is running a business making you too busy? Is taking care of family making you too busy? I hear this from clients who also say they want a supportive partner to share their full life with. They imagine a future where there isn’t time to fit in a relationship. That makes it a hard road. Let’s imagine there is time. Let’s let your subconscious know there is time.

Busy’ness introspection

Some people are busier than they think they SHOULD be. The method we use will help you discover what drives you to be busy. Is it helping or hurting your efforts? How are you meeting your needs and wants? Is your day-to-day reality satisfying? What life experiences have created your relationship to being busy? The method we use will help you discover these things and transform your relationship to past experiences so that life is more satisfying.