Given Up Trying

Given up trying

Sometimes it seems that giving up on finding a partner would be easier than staying in the game.

How many dating sites do I have to join? How many nights do I have to spend reading bios, sending messages and trying to read between the lines?

Giving up is an option.

But don’t give up on YOURSELF!

Working on your own readiness and availability for a relationship will give you the best chance of getting to your goal.

If your vision of happiness doesn’t clearly include a partner relationship, then take the time for YOURSELF to get clear. Working on getting clarity may be the step you need before you are ready to put effort into dating.


Reconnect with your true nature. Though this process, you release the old beliefs from their automatic control, so you can move more freely to what you want. 

I designed a 6-step program, unique to each person, so you can attract the right partner.

Story of giving up

I was single for 14 years. My life was pretty great. I had some stresses that I thought I was managing pretty well… Money, Career, Children in High School, etc. Over those years I went on at least 100 “coffee” dates, enjoyed a few short relationships with incompatible men and gave up on finding a partner at least 10 times. Random strangers would tell me that I wasn’t working hard enough at online dating (that if I really worked it, it would work) so I would redouble my efforts. God, I wasted HOURS and HOURS online.

THE BREAKTHROUGH came out of the blue. I didn’t really notice any outward change. It was all inside me. It was after I worked on myself with PSYCH-K® and worked on my subconscious beliefs. I got free from what was holding me back. It wasn’t one thing, it was everything. I was looking out at the world though beliefs that didn’t support me. LIKE… I am not good enough. Because of these sessions, I just started living my life full out and somehow, someone compatible showed up. The process of PSYCH-K® unburdened me. I was lighter.